

You have most likely been sent to this page by your GP or consultant because you have or at risk of having Cardiovascular problems.However there is no need to fear because in the UK alone nearly 6.5 million people are directly effected by Cardiovascular diseases each year this means that there are millions in the same position as you and the majority of them pull through thanks to the modern, state of the art procedure for diagnosing,fixing and monitoring Cardiovascular diseases at the NHS.This site will go through a selection of the preventative measures and/or treatments the NHS uses to treat such diseases and the problems that may arise so you can make an informed decision. Please be assured that the surgeouns preforming theese procuders are experienced and weel trained doctors. These doctors have trained for years and have witnessed and particiaited in 1000s of surgeries.In fact the NHS preforms over 92,000 Coronary surgeries a year.This ensures all of our surgeons are properly trained for your surgery ( if you even have to get one). Please continue to browse the site and if you have lost your leaflet please click the picture below to download a copy.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER:This site is not an official NHS site; it is a homework project. Made from the code up by : Brijesh N. Savjani.