
What is Bypass Surgery?

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery is a surgery in which does when the Coronary arteries in the heart have become blocked up due to large amounts of Low-Density Lipoprotein(LDL). LDL is also know an as bad cholesterol. The LDL will start t build itself up in the arteries and form fatty and waxy deposits. Such deposits are known as plaques. IF an extensive plaque is formed then inserting a stent will not work. If you would like more information on stents please read the relevant page.Please look at the graph below for a simple diagram of what happens.

How do doctors know if I Bypass surgery instead of a stent?

Doctors will often preform some tests on you to found if you need help and what kind of help yu need if you do. Ways of diagnosing heart problems include monitoring the heart using an electro cardiogram which monitors you heart using electricity. ECG can also be used over a cause of longer periods such as 24hours. However if a patient has to have a 24 hour ECG scan then the doctors will prescribe the patient a portable ECG so they can go around their daily activities Once the doctors have diagnosed that you have Heart problem, they will try and find out what it is using a echocardiogram. An electrocardiogram uses sound to image your heart and a qualified doctor will be able to tell which parts of your heart are not working properly. The doctors will then want to find out how much plaque has built up by using a Computerised Tomography (heart scan) or a Cardiac catheterization and angiogram. A Computerised Tomography (CT) lets doctors see the deposits in your heart. They do this by putting a contrast die in your system and then taking a scan on the CT machine. Another thing they could do is called a Cardiac catheterization and angiogram. In Cardiac catheterization and angiogram they use a long wire called a Cather to reach the suspected artery and release a special die for the artery. This will then reveal narrow spots in the artery where the blood is slower. The image below is angiogram machine.

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